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- Ajax Wireless Security Transmitter
Ajax Wireless Security Transmitter

Transmiţător Ajax Wireless Security Transmitter
Ajax Wireless Security Transmitter, NC/NO contact type
Installation method:Indoors/Outdoors in sealed box or inside the detector casing
Compatible control panels: All Ajax hubs
Compatible range extenders: All Ajax range extenders
Compatible wired devices: All Ajax detector or device with NC/NO contact type
Alarm input: 1
Supported normal state of alarm input: Normally closed (NC); Normally open (NO)
Supported third-party device type: Pulse; Bistable
Tamper input: 1
Supported normal state of tamper input: Normally closed (NC); Normally open (NO)
Power supply output for the wired detector or device: 3.3 V⎓
Module power supply: 3 × CR123A battery pre-installed
Battery life: Up to 5 years
Temperature sensor: Available The temperature is displayed in the device states in the Ajax apps.
Operating temperature range: –25°С to +50°С
Operating humidity: Up to 75%
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Toate produsele, prezentate pe situl TEXET.MD inclusiv si Ajax Wireless Security Transmitter sunt originale, se importa oficial si au toate certificatele de conformitate RM.
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